When Do I Enroll in Part D?

Joining a Medicare Part D drug plan can only be done during certain windows of time. You are eligible to enroll in Part D when you first get Medicare. This Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) lasts seven months.

It includes the three months before you turn 65, your birth month, and the three months following. A similar window exists for people who first become eligible for Medicare due to disability.


Medicare Part D also has an Annual Election Period (AEP) which runs from October 15 – December 7 annually or every year. During this time, you can enroll or disenroll from any Medicare drug plan. This is because each Part D plan’s benefits, formulary, pharmacy network, provider network, premiums and/or co-payments/co-insurance may change on January 1 of the following year. Since all those things can change, Medicare gives you an annual election period to also change.

The insurance company will mail you an Annual Notice of Change each September. It will list everything that is changing with your plan for the following year.

If you are fine with the changes, your Part D drug plan will automatically renew in January. However, all Medicare beneficiaries needs to review their drug plan annually during AEP to ensure they have the proper coverage in place for the next year.

Special Election Periods for Medicare Part D

Once enrolled in Medicare Part D, you are locked into the plan for the rest of the calendar year. You must wait for the next Annual Election Period (AEP) to change or disenroll. However, Medicare recognizes that there might be certain circumstances in which you need to change mid-year. They have created Special Election Periods (SEP) for this.

An example would be if you move out of state or lose your group medical coverage mid-year. These kinds of situations create a short Special Election Period (SEP) during which you can make the necessary change. Your application for the new Part D plan must be coded properly to take advantage of that SEP. An incorrect code on the application can cause a rejection, so be sure to work with an agent who specializes in these plans.

Be aware that your insurance agent cannot solicit you for Part D, so if you wish to enroll, you must initiate that with your agent.


Medicare Advantage Networks


How Do I Enroll in Part D?